
Privacy Policy

Pursuant to current regulations on personal data processing, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Hotel Porto Roca provides the following information

Hotel Porto Roca collects some personal data of its users, useful for the operation of the website and to improve the services offered.

Owner of personal data processing:

Hotel Porto Roca
Via Corone, 1 - 19016 Monterosso al Mare (SP) - Italy

Types of data processed

Hotel Porto Roca collects some personal information through its services and through third party services used in the website. Some of the data collected are: Name, Last Name, Street address, City, State/Province, Zip code, Country, Telephone Number, Fax, Email, Credit card details, Cookie, data usage. Personal data is entered directly by the user of the website or collected automatically. The use of cookies by the website or third party services it is important to identify you and your preferences and record information on site navigation. Some of the personal data collected are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. If the site user enters the personal data of third parties, he/she guarantees they have the right to disclose such data and relieves Hotel Porto Roca of any third-party liability.

Modalità e luogo del trattamento dei Dati raccolti

Mode and place of processing of the data collected
Processing modalities
Hotel Porto Roca take the necessary measures to ensure the security of users' personal data, to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, amendment and destruction. The data processing is done through information and / or data transmission. Besides Hotel Porto Roca, some outside parties responsible for organizational matters could have access to personal data. The list of officers may be required to Hotel Porto Roca.

Legal basis for processing
Personal data is processed by Hotel Porto Roca:
- when a user gives his/her consent to processing for specified purposes
- when the data processing is necessary to fulfil a contract with the user or to comply with precontractual measures requested by the user
- when the data processing is necessary to comply with legal and regulatory obligations
- when the data processing is necessary to pursue to legitimate interests of Hotel Porto Roca or of third parties to which the data is disclosed, provided the interests and rights of the user are not undermined
- when the data processing is necessary to carry out a duty in the public interest

Where personal data are processed
Personal data are processed in the operating locations and in places where the parties involved in the treatment are located. For more information, contact Hotel Porto Roca.

Storage period
Personal data are processed and stored for the time necessary required by the purposes for which the data (you can find them in this document). The user can at any time request the deletion of data by contacting Hotel Porto Roca. The personal data can be stored for longer if legal obligations or regulatory authority instructions so require, or subject to consent of the user until withdrawn. The personal data is deleted at the end of the storage period, after which it will no longer be possible to exercise the right of access to, deletion, editing and portability of the personal data.

Purpose of the data collected
The personal information is being collected to provide services for specific purposes: request information on hotel services, contact you, collecting statistics, interaction with social networks, viewing content on external platforms, interaction with data collection platforms and other third parties, advertising. This document provides the different types of data collected for a specific purpose.

Details concerning the processing of Personal Information
Hotel Porto Roca collects personal information for the purposes and the services listed below:

Information request about the hotel facilities
By filling the information request form about the hotel facilities (rates, room availability, reservations online) on the website, the user allows the use of your personal information to allow Hotel Porto Roca to perform the services and performance required. Any sensitive data voluntarily provided by the user in the field notes of the modules of the website (food allergies, people with disabilities, health status, etc.) will be treated in strict confidence in accordance with the current legislation. The personal data that are collected are: Name, Last Name, Street address, City, State/Province, Zip code, Country, Telephone Number, Fax, Email, Credit card details. A user providing his/her telephone number can be contacted again also for marketing and advertising purposes directly linked to the services offered by Hotel Porto Roca.

Contact Form
By filling out the contact forms on the website, the user allows the use of their personal data to allow the answers to requests for information (or requests for any other indicated by the form). The personal data that are collected are: Name, Last Name, Street address, City, State/Province, Zip code, Country, Telephone Number, Fax, Email. A user providing his/her telephone number can be contacted again also for marketing and advertising purposes directly linked to the services offered by Hotel Porto Roca.

Collecting statistics
Hotel Porto Roca collects statistics on the use of the website, keeping track of user behavior across the web analytics service Google Analytics (Google Inc.). Google uses the data to compile reports on the use of the website and share them with other Google services. The data collected could be used to customize the advertising of its network. Hotel Porto Roca integrates a procedure that makes anonymous user's IP address, eliminating a portion. Only in some cases the IP address will be sent to Google and shortened in the USA. The personal data that Google collects are cookies and data on the website navigation. The location of the processing is the USA. Privacy Policy - Opt Out

Displaying content from external platforms
Hotel Porto Roca uses some web services to integrate in the website some contents of external platforms and allow the user to interact with them.
Google Maps (Google Inc.)
The Google Maps service allows you to display within the website maps hosted on the Google Maps platform. The personal data that Google collects are cookies and data on the use of the service (usage data). The location of the data treatment is the USA. Privacy Policy
YouTube (Google Inc.)
The YouTube service allows you to display within website videos hosted on the YouTube platform. The personal data that Google collects data are cookies and data on the use of the service (usage data). The location of the data treatment is the USA. Privacy Policy

Interaction with external social networks and external platforms
Hotel Porto Roca using some services that simplify the sharing of the website content through social networks.
ShareThis (Sharethis Inc.)
The service ShareThis allows sharing of the website content through social networks, showing in the website a button bar that simplify this task. The personal data that are collected by ShareThis are cookies and data on the use of the service (usage data). The location of the data treatment is the USA. Privacy Policy - Opt Out

User rights

In compliance with current regulations and subject to request submitted to Hotel Porto Roca, the user can exercise the following rights, which will be fulfilled free of charge and within a maximum 30 days:
- at any time, exercise the right to withdraw consent to the processing of his/her personal data
- exercise the right to object to his/her personal data being processed if the user believes it is used for purposes other than those for which specific consent was given
- exercise the right of access to his/her personal data and request a copy
- exercise the right to verify and amend his/her personal data, and request its correction
- exercise the right to restrict the processing of his/her personal data
- exercise the right to delete his/her personal data
- exercise the right of portability of his/her personal data, requesting a copy in digital format and transfer to a different data controller
- exercise the right of complaint to the competent authorities

Treat yourself to a stay with us

Super Flexible Offer - FREE CANCELLATION within the terms
Flexible Rate - Pay in Hotel
Super Flexible Offer  - FREE CANCELLATION within the terms